Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Aaaaaaaagh, the guilt!

There are so many things that I want to do, and so many things that I NEED to do.

I NEED to go to work every day so that my family can have a roof over our heads, food on our table, and health insurance. I WANT to spend time with my husband and son in the evenings because I am at work all day. I NEED to cook dinner, clean, do laundry – but this takes time away from my family. I NEED to exercise in order to lose weight – but this also takes time away from my family. I WANT to make jewelry because it’s my creative outlet and is very relaxing, but when I take the time to do that I feel guilty because it takes time away from my family. I NEED to go to Praise Team practice on Thursday nights because – well, I need to practice! But again, this takes time away from my family.

Aaaaagh, the guilt!

How did my mother do it?

Heavenly Father, please help me balance my life and my priorities!